مسابقه شماره یک واحد فرهنگی پژوهشی مرکز 115 استان آذربایجانشرقی
مسابقه به مناسبت روز زن سال 12/2/92
You are called for a 2 month –old girl not getting on arrivel you see the child lying supine on the changing table looking to the right and smoking her lips she does not stop doing this even when the parents talk to or hold her..
A)The patient is having a seizure
B)The patient is in respiratory distress
C)This patient is hungry and wants to eat
D)This is normal for achild of this age
You are treating a 6 – year –old boy suffering from a bad asthma attack with bronchodilators en route you notice that his nasal flaring and retractions have subsided as his work of breathing has decreased
A)He is getting better time to relax
B)Not enough information we need to look at his appearance
C)He is going into respiratory failure get out the bag
D)He is going into cardiac arrest start cpr
پاسخ صحیح را تا مورخه 12/3/92 به آدرس ایمیل فرهنگی 115 تبریز ارسال نمائید .